Thursday, September 29, 2011

Remembering 9/11

9/11/01 was a tragic day in history. In New York and Virgina the U.S.A. was attacked. The nation was devestated but we didnt let it knock us all the way down. On that day the nation came together and prayed and hoped and cared for each other. We were as one and on that day everyone realized how strong this nation was as one. The soldiers, firemen, police men, and all goverment workers that came to the rescue are still in remembrance today and we thank them for what they did.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

War is...

War is needed, protecting our rights.
War is hatred, killing each other.
War is good, protecting the innocent.
War is bad, hurting our nation.
War is a challenge, conquering the enemy.
War is justice, getting the enemy back for what they've done.
War is a arguement, trying to get our way.
War is a help, defending ourselves.
War is sadness, mourning for the lost.
War is history, changing our lives forever.